Work is thy reward- Work is a reward in itself. Don't look for outward accomplishments, instead try to find inner peace. Great calm comes from stillness, but often a place of stillness is found after or midst raging storms. This is an example of the great duality of nature. Every cosmic particle has a twin- good or evil. Every entity possesses a dual character. Existence, in itself, is not a matter of pride. Zoroastrianism states that the world is divided into good and evil and they are in constant struggle. It is this tiff between them that yields balance to our universe. It is important to cherish even our smallest victories because that not only serves as a stimulus to perform better but also re-instills our faith in ourselves.

While asking for something from the supreme source, we must free ourselves of guilt, fear and doubts. For only after a free mind is obtained can a free soul be attained. We mustn't forget to connect with the almighty even if for a few seconds every day. We are all inherently lonely. While that may be a dark thought, it happens to be a fact. Plato, Confucius, Kabir, all felt the same urge for freedom and re-uniting their souls with its ultimate origin. Without that supreme force, we tread the path alone. We constantly need its support in order to fulfill the true purpose of our existence. While some may suffer on account of invariance and ignorance, others may be too trapped in Earthly pleasures to recognize the cravings of their own souls. I write to let my soul free for when I write my soul dances. I write to liberate it of all the burdens, of all the chains that bind it to this unyielding Earth. 

What is true liberation? Is it attained only after the soul leaves the body? Or can one become 'Nirvanic' while still residing in the current vessel? It is often said that God's message can only be deciphered in all its entirety while the soul still serves its purpose in human form. I believe 'Work is Worship' and it is ultimately, 'Karma' that will lead the way and steer our soul towards its truest purpose.


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