Life is the greatest teacher. The biggest pains always come as the mightiest life lessons. More often than not we are filled with negativity in the face of even the slightest of aberrations from the way we had planned the path of our life. We are knocked off by the smallest challenges that life puts across as a way of telling us “See how I shake things up to make everything that much better”. A person on the right path is overpowered by competition if she just stands there, doing nothing. No movement is death. Being static is the nature of the soul, not life.
When faced by severe atrocities one turns to the supreme power for ultimate support. We forget that this is that one challenge that would make us or break us in the path of life. We shirk our responsibilities as humans and expect God to fulfill her duty as the preserver of the universe. We make excuses. We lie to ourselves and when we see no way through we blame God and as a last measure, pick up the sticks to perform our duties. If we would have taken this step as the first step to finding the solution, the pain wouldn’t be quadrupled. 
Self-inflicted is the only pain there is. Through that we not only hurt ourselves and fellow human-beings but also, God. It is important to remember that we are just a very small part of the universe. Abusing this body is an insult to the creator. Care must be taken to ensure the pain of sorrow does not paralyze the senses for life. Every pain should be taken at the face value, for what it truly is: a mirror into our faults, a chance to perfect our actions and a guide to the right next step in life.


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